[Audible] Signals #1 – Facebook, Google, Linkedin, Bezos and Nir Eyal


Signals, the Viral Octopus News. Digging the digital world. Facebook, Google, and Linkedin roll out new features for users and advertisers, Bezos & Draper get with aerospace companies and aim for the moon, and Nir Eyal teaches you to choose where you focus your attention in Indistractible. [LectiosVoice]

Week in review. Digital News

  • Facebook Ads launch Search Result placement ads.
  • Touring Bird lands with Google to plan your perfect trip. Touring Bird helps you explore and compare prices and options across providers and makes it easier to book tours, tickets and activities in top destinations around the world.
  • Planning an in Person Professional Gathering Just Got Easier With LinkedIn Events. The LinkedIn Events feature provides members with an easy way to create and join professional events that interest them.
  • Google Tests Lead Form Extensions In Google Ads According to reports, Google is now testing lead form extensions in Google Ads to help businesses get customer information directly.

Future Insights

Bezos unveils Blue Origin will work on lunar lander with Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman & Draper Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon and space venture Blue Origin, unveiled plans on Tuesday for his company to work with industry giants Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and Draper to build a human-capable lunar landing system.

Book of the Day

Indistractable, How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life By Nir Eyal Indistractable addresses one of modern life’s most common problems – distraction, often blamed on contemporary technology. Nir Eyal, however, claims that while smartphones and apps might get in the way of more meaningful work, they are not the root cause of the issue. So what is? In these book, Eyal provides an actionable four-part framework that breaks down how distraction really works and what you can do to overcome it. Signals has been offered by Viral Octopus, the digital marketing talents platform managed by robots, where you can build your team on the demand and get the job done. We got this news from Cnbc, Linkedin, Facebook, Blinkist and Google.

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